Please note that I am not the author of this particular post, but rather VaderXanth. This introduction was originally posted within The NLPRS Team thread; I have tried to find ways for moving the original post, but it seems you can only more entire threads. I apologize for any confusion that this has caused.
Hello to All!
My name is Timothy Strandt and I am the younger brother of this forums founder. I am a firm believer of the supernatural and the other things which may go bump in the night.
I have been interested in the supernatural for as long as I can remember, however, the attention to or curiosity has mainly been out of fear. Am I afraid of ghosts? Maybe. While walking in the woods near dusk and I feel the presence of something behind me do I panic and run as if the devil itself is behind me? Maybe again.. I think that it would all depend on the situation at hand. What it boils down to is that I believe.
Roughly 17 (give or take a year or so) years ago I fell in with a group of people with similar interests. I did learn quite a bit and even experienced some things I can't really explain, but the learning was there. Let's just say that I was able to ground and center myself rather well after a few occasions. One of the basic things that I learned was the process of cleansing homes. Not to be confused with driving out spirits. But beyond that.... maybe for another topic, another time.
I have a good knowledge base involving electronics and I plan on getting back into audio recording. These skills I am more than willing to offer to the NLPRS. Another skill (don't know if I'd call it one), is that I can sense things. Don't know how well, but let me tell you what; goosebumps popping up like crazy and that feeling that someone is there standing right next to you when you don't see anyone is a good giveaway.
Other than that, I'd rather enjoy (or not?) getting back into the field where things can be experienced first hand.